oiii SSl No but it’s reinforcing.
D Head Can you explain what’s wrong - I’m not quite
SSl Well, it shouldn’t be.
D Head What shouldn't be?
SSl Well, that first of all as SS2 says that we
should have to rely on our specific strengths
as a woman - that we should get our confidence
as a teacher thorugh the image we’ve got as
women - that you have to recognise that you’re
a woman and build on that image. And being
able to relate or get on better with female
teachers - all those kinds of things are wrong
- it's taking the easy way out.
It is quite apparent that for the different women students what they
see and what they want and need from their teaching practice is quite
different. Once again in the general work of the school group students
begin to explain how they see themselves and with that knowledge
tutors have the opportunity to help them assess what they have done
and where they should be going. It is quite clear that such an issue
cannot be resolved within one session at a particular point. There
are implications both for individual teaching practice and for the
future agenda. Equally, individuals may in time
choose to
explore the issue more thorougly in their course work. The discussion
is not only of value to students and tutors but also to the Deputy
Head who is concerned that the school can be responsive to the needs
of women students. The possibility of the course and the schools
responding to such differences requires not just sensitivity to diff-
erences and willingness to accommodate but areas in which differences
can be explored and articulated.