The Summer Term
Transcripts of three discussions which took place in the early weeks
of the summer term form the basis of this chapter. The work of one
group - A - is examined and in these discussions they are working
with the Research Tutor in the Institute. On one day a week they
continued their work in school, participating in a seminar organised
by the visiting tutor.
Three themes are
discussed in this section.
Responsive structures
The integrative function of the school group over the various compo-
nents of the PGCE is examined and the crucial role of the students'
course work is empkl⅛sised. The structure of the school group allowing
for continuity over time is seen as fundamental and it is suggested
that there is
a possibility of contradiction with other courses which
do not have this orientation. The school group is seen as both
responsive to the students
experience and also
an important
part to play in
shaping what they require
from and how
they come to
see the school.
the organisation
Essentially it requires students to be active in
and in control of their own learning.
PGCE in process of teacher education
Professional development is seen as involving personal
change .
requires experience
observation and reflection and the students’
course work plays a vital part in this process.