The name is absent


8.1 Responsive structures

a) Integrative function of group over PGCE course

In the

two previous terms the place of the


groups as a forum



concerns of subject method group and

option work was commented


With regard to options the Research Group

felt strongly that

Foundation Option Courses stood outside their academic and professional
1 ,
concerns. In the school groups attempts were made to enable students

to use the Option course as a place to explore or develop a particular

concern. Impressions suggest that this attempt is unlikely to be

successful where the Option Course primarily caters for non-Alter-

native Course students, essentially working within a different pedagogic

frame. However the possibility of producing an extensive sustained

piece of work in relation to the Option did give Alternative Course
students an opportunity for choice that may be utilised. Much depends
on the role of the school group tutor both in guiding students and

Changes in the system of

in knowing what it is they are doing.

assessment since

1982-3 have made the school group tutor’s


ibilities clearer but they are apparent

in these transcripts.


topic of the seminar is a student’s essay for the History of Education

Option, supervised by a member of Option staff and discussed with the


Research Tutor as a part of the student, s course work at

points in the year.

School A 7.5.82 P⅛∕5 ai



This week we're going to look at Social Control
and Education with SS3 - SS2 is going to look
at the Grace ( 1978 ) but we'll have to do that
later - this is based on your Foundaticn Option
- it starts off in the History of Education
but has a lot to do with what shcools, teachers
and kids are up to now - there are parallels.

More intriguing information

1. Integrating the Structural Auction Approach and Traditional Measures of Market Power
2. Pursuit of Competitive Advantages for Entrepreneurship: Development of Enterprise as a Learning Organization. International and Russian Experience
3. A Rare Case Of Fallopian Tube Cancer
4. Non Linear Contracting and Endogenous Buyer Power between Manufacturers and Retailers: Empirical Evidence on Food Retailing in France
6. A production model and maintenance planning model for the process industry
7. A Critical Examination of the Beliefs about Learning a Foreign Language at Primary School
8. Sex differences in the structure and stability of children’s playground social networks and their overlap with friendship relations
9. The Works of the Right Honourable Edmund Burke
10. Strategic monetary policy in a monetary union with non-atomistic wage setters
11. The name is absent
12. Discourse Patterns in First Language Use at Hcme and Second Language Learning at School: an Ethnographic Approach
13. The name is absent
14. Perfect Regular Equilibrium
15. Public infrastructure capital, scale economies and returns to variety
16. Behavioural Characteristics and Financial Distress
17. Three Policies to Improve Productivity Growth in Canada
18. Dual Track Reforms: With and Without Losers
19. The name is absent
20. The name is absent