The relationship of education to official views of working class life-
styles are made clear with reference to Inspectors’ Reports of the
time .
The conflict that surrounded the beginnings of state education is
emphasised and the possibility that elements of this remain in alter-
native formulatins of what education might be about are given in his
conclusions .
Here he refers to the proposals of Chartism but in so doing shows
their contemporary relevance to concerns and to ideas that have been
common in the school group throughout the year.
SS3 Eventually the working class were drawn into
the process and became part of the demand
for State education but at the time it was
developing it was an area of much conflict.
That was my summary of some of the educational
arguments in Chartism. It’s a fascinating
modern document for the time -
so much modern
educational theory one reads has its roots
in it and it’s somehow been pushed aside.
Knowledge is not something impersonal but
something you generate .....
The location of a piece of work like this within the school group
provides a framework for the discussion. The parallels and the appli-
cability of what is addressed in the paper to the group’s professional
concerns throughout the year are readily available.
Whilst as
a piece
of academic
work it is
in itself as a contribution
to professional thinking it is a rich beginning both for the student
and his audience. Perhaps it is less of a beginning than a synthesis