The name is absent


іV School А 7.5.82  P10∕12 kɪ



If you look at working class writers' groups,
school is seen as peripheral, as an interven-

tion and whether

or not school


them. You are getting similar set ups to
those you talked about, both working class
and in other groups, as you, SS2, were saying
with black groups.

Oh yes I was thinking that
ing about education and

- when I was teach-




class of black girls and some of the literature

and this was for CSE - part of this involves
explaining why it is that working class pupils
don’t do so well in school despite equal
opportunity and it relates back a lot to their
family life as you know which in their case

might be large families,


poor families

used to talk to theι


it and the

black girls there felt that very much, like
school is attacking their family, their way
of life, that that's not a sign of poverty
and culture, that's what our families are
like and you know we’ve been happy in them
and they felt that and some of them said that
they felt their manner of speaking and way

of behaving towards each other was disapproved

of by the school - they were thought of as

bad mannered and it was just that they were

different and the

teachers were bad mannered

for objecting to their manners. And that
actual real explcit clash between the school
culture and the family culture is more explcit
in relation to black children. I mean school
has become so institutionalised in the lives

of the white working class that it's not so

explicit -
there’s the

they’re not so


.. inaudible . . .
there's the same

clash, the same imposition and denial of the
white kids' culture but it's more articulated

for the black kids - they're aware they're
able to say it, and to think it. The white
kids are more reacting to it - not thinking
about it with that sort of clarity.

I was listening to a tape last night that

I made with some IV years and we were talking

generally about what we were doing and I hap-
pened to leave the tape on and I was listening

to it last night.



aggression against

some particular white

teachers in that school and I ..... just sort

of, you know, the hatred 'We'11 go


you know for


wouldn’t think would command the

and kick
who you
depth of

that. And you know they’re very clear about

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