The name is absent


what they presented - the thing that came
out was ’She can’t say that to us no more’
because they’re now IV years and what they've
taken from the 1st. They were saying one
of the girls had a sister coming in the first
year and she said, 'Well if she gets any lip
from that teacher I'm going to go down and
sort her out' and X said to me af ter¼ ards

because she happened to come in in the middle

that that's now that they're in the IV year
and they realise they're not going to just
sit back and it was quite an eye opener really
- I think they say the same things here I
think ..... (plays part of tape)

It's only, you know, you think everything's
going on very well at that school and it’s
only when you get an outburst like that that
as you say, they can articulate very clearly.


And they very
definitions of



the sociologists

them as working class. In

fact ..... point that the girls wrote - it

was a sort of factual essay, on sort of ’discuss

the reasons for continuing failure of working
class children* - and, well, she first of
all distanced herself completely from all
the literature ’white sociologists' say

and the last part of it was a long sort of


- laughter -

along ..... and how she felt as a black girl

at school and what she felt about the school
and there wasn't, I'm not saying it was all
logical, it was shot through with contra-
dictions and inconsistencies but there was
a definite stance being taken other than that
which the literature was giving. And there
are some white kids in the class and I don’t
know whether they’re Indimidated but I don’t
feel that they've had enough - they don’t
identify themselves like that at all - not
in the school.

something to

do with a political and



social identity which is becoming increasingly
available to black kids.

SS2 Yes, that’s right. That's exactly it - the
revolutionary left have never reached the
white working class in the way that it has

SS3 A sort of black identity.

SS2 Yes that's it, it is an identity.

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