school play is why isn’t the school like the
school play - why can’t all this energy go
into the classroom not into a one off event
once a year.
Res But you probably all find examples - even
Tutor isolated examples - maybe there are bits of
school which are like the school play. I
was just thinking, Eng, who is the kid you
talk about somewhere who spends a lesson with
a newspaper he’s completed?
Oh that pupil - yes - I mean I don’t know,
I mean the work he's doing now, it's amazing
isn't it. I just put it down to just praising
him and encouraging him I just think the
teacher who’s had him in the past has obvi-
of that, you know, telling him it’s just
rubbish that you're writing ..... I think
you can praise a kid no matter what they do.
Just be positive sort of to them. The way
he completed that newspaper with just a little
(talking about
bit of help from me. He was so proud he’d
actually finished something - that was his
piece of work - but the thing is they’re being
taken out into a small group - there’s a need
for that small group .....
Personal concerns constantly recur - creativity, what sort of force
education constitutes in the society, and within those issues the
possibility and the strength of good practice. The English students’
practice and Ml’s appreciation of Gerald Grace’s book is known to
the tutor thorugh individual tutorials
and preliminary work on the
Reports and can be drawn upon and given a specific focus. This is
an example of what one student in the Research Group saw as making
a little go a long way for where literature begins to adddress experi-
ence it is often used and re-used. ■ The place of a piece of liter-
ature or a set
of theoretical ideas cannot be predicted in advance
or required of all
students for they and the problems they choose
to address and
in which this
occurs are too parti-
cular. What can perhaps be expected and provided for is the opportunity
for all students to engage in depth with educational issues and in