The name is absent


Allied to the inclusion of the personal is that of the student’s

political awareness. It has long been the case in PGCE that poli-
tical factors have been brought to the attention of students either
within the general education course or from contributing foundation
discipline. The prevailing stance of student teachers has not

appeared significantly affected

However in recent years the politi-

cal character of education has


increasingly clear and has

affected particular groups of teachers differently

Grace 1978 <H√

1984 ) .

The research indicated that





aspects of their work once

their exposure to schools was


and sufficiently focussed



ove beyond their subject

concerns in particular classrooms. Further it showed that the ordin-


and legitimate

expectations that

these students had of their

own schooling are now seen by them to be quite different from those

of many of their pupils.∙ The student’s own career opportunities
are immediately and directly affected by political decisions thus
bringing the personal and the political into a close and visible

In one

sense the contradiction of the student’s expectations about

careers in teaching provides the motivation for new learning but
as the research showed such learning is not only to do with the
present situation but also the past and the future. This raises
again the issue of theory and practice for the research detailed
how students’ understanding of their present concerns and their

future directions could be

informed by detailed knowledge of the


It may be that particular theoretical formulations and

directions speak to constellations of social and educational circum

stances at particular periods.

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