The name is absent


disparate strands of their own thinking and practice in a way that

made sense to them» Examples of this are discussed in the research
but it should be noted that they come from periods in the course
when the present pattern of assessment was being developed, when
it existed within and had to accommodate to that undertaken by the
majority of PGCE students in the Institute. Since 1983 the form


the assessment has become quite distinct and work submitted sug-

gests its potential value in enabling examination of its related
modes of working. It contains and represents student theorising
over a wide range of aspects of the process of becoming a teacher.
Hirst points to the value of studying the process when he writes

In education, as in ary other area of activity


come to understand the activity,

its problems


their answers from engagement in the activity itself.

We have to penetrate the idiom of the activity by
practising it. Then, gradually, by a variety of
means, we can improve and extend our knowledge of
how to pursue it, analysis of the activity and
reflection on its rules and principles having their
part to play in that process. (1983)

Once the process of theorising is accepted and a reflective practice
is an acceptable goal then the structure of teaching and learning
relationships within which the PGCE operates is open to change.

Patterns of assessment

Changing assessment patterns

loomed large in the

life of the Alter-



especially when



of pedagogy


assessment co-existed uncomfortably.

Frequently in the discussion

of the research the appropriateness

of the mode of primarily written

assessment for the various forms of course work that have developed

were questioned. Formalised and definitive course requirements may

stand in the way of what students, tutors or teachers see as most

appropriate for individuals and even the most flexible forms of course

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