The name is absent


make a syllabus transmitted via the lecture hall pale into insignif-

icance .

The dislocation comes at the level of experience and of

pedagogy, not

in the inherent value of what


from school

experience or from the PGCE course.

Thus the structures created in

the Alternative Course were to enable

integration and to facilitate




of students in the experience of

their own


Pedagogy in University

The findings presented by Patrick et al (1982) point to a quite
different practice and suggest that structural impediments exist
within the practice of PGCE that can subvert the best intentions
of practitioners. Undoubtedly within the practices of individual
courses that make up the PGCE in a particular university alternative
pedagogies exist but it is likely that their practical consequences

are limited by the pervasiveness of the total pedagogic and organisa-


climate within which they exist.

This is indicated in the

research of Patrick et al by the concentration on topics and formal
content in the description of courses. They are ubiquitous in the
conventions of course descriptions but it is likely that the 'hidden


formed by the pedagogy

that students encounter is of

equal if not more significance for      them     as teachers. The

research gives information on this when it deals with student

activities in method departments (5-14 P103)∙   They point to the

lack of coverage of items such as discussions led


outside speakers

which is not experienced by 32.7% of students or by

fellow students

which is not experienced by 40.3%. This suggests a control of

proceedings by tutors which may sort ill with the necessity for

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