The appreciation of these views of socialisation
and the notion
to an
process. They
in the design
schemes for the
of social strategy are central, in
understanding of the teacher training
can provide, I hope, useful tools
of improved and truly educational
’training' of teachers. (Ch7 P49)
Structures of the PGCE
The School Experience
A further group of findings have to do with the schools where teaching
practice was undertaken by students and here the research takes account
of practice in several university departments. They showed the
differentiation of experience for students in relation both to work-
load and to supervision. They noted that "as far as teaching load
is concerned, this appears to be a straightforward relationship with
types of teaching involved: the less academic, on the whole, the
more lessons" (Ch6 P31).
Further they state that "What is important for our study of student’s
experiences is to note that such differences exist and that they
are probably related more to the needs, or self perceptions of the
schools than to the educational requirements of the students" (1973
Ch6 P35). Such experience they see as affecting the students' adjust-
ment to teaching.
Obviously adjustment to teaching is complex and
multi-faceted and this is reflected in the research but certain
factors are isolated here as they bear on the tension between school
and university.
On the acceptance into the staff room they suggest that being accepted
into the staff group "usually involves the student in adopting at
least to some extent, these norms" (ie of the staff room) (1973 Ch6