decision making: The costs and benefits of involvement.
(p.104); see also, Nias, J. (1972) Pseudo-participation
and the success of innovation in the introduction of the
B.Ed. SOCIOLOGICAL REVIEW 20(2) (p.175); see also, Noble,
T. and Pym, B. (1970) Collegial authority and the receding
locus of power. BRITISH JOURNAL OF SOCIOLOGY 21 December.
(p.436); see also, Pratt, S. (1981) 'Subordinate
strategies of interaction in the management of schools'
EDUCATIONAL ADMINISTRATION 9(2) (p.76); see also, Ramsay,
H. (1977) 'Cycles of Control' SOCIOLOGY 11(3) September
(p.496) ; see also, Thorp,J. (1983) Coping with Community:
A view of Management in a Community Primary School.
Unpublished M.Ed. Diss. University of Birmingham;
(71) Elliott, J. (1976) 'Democratic evaluation as social
criticism: or, Putting the judgement back into evaluation'
IN: N.Norrіs (ed.) SAFARI 2 Theory in Practice CARE
Occasional Publication No.4 (p.193 and 199).
(72) The comments made in this paragraph were given
verbatim to the researcher during an interview held in
Madras in 1990. See, Khubchandani, L.M. (1983) Plural
Lanouages. Plural Cultures: Communication, Identity, and
Sociopolitical Change in Contemporary India. University of
Hawaii Press: East-West Centre Book (p.81).
Anglo-Indians must become multilingual in India. Anglo-
Indians need to use Indian languages as efficient tools for
"intragroup and intergroup contact in a multilingual
nation." (p.81) See also, Rutter,M., (1979) Fifteen
Thousand Hours: Secondary Schools and their effects on
Children. London: Open Books; See also, Thomas, (1985).
op.cit. , (p.144) .
See also, the following Indian writers on Education in
India, who made specific references to achieving equal
opportunities, increasing emotional integration and
learning the English language. Naik, J.P. (1982) The
Education Commission and After New Delhi: Allied
Publishers (p.89); Majumder, B.P. (1973) First Fruits of
English Education (1817-1857) Calcutta: Bookland P.Ltd.
(p.113); Mathur, S.S. (1982) A Sociological Approach to
Indian Education Agra (India): Vinod Pustak Mandir (p.255);
Naik, J.P. (1975) Equality, Quality and Quantity: The
Elusive Triangle in Indian Education The Tagore Memorial
Lectures delivered at the University of Poona on 23, 24, 25
August 1975; see also, Saxena,S. (1975) Sociological
Perspectives in Indian Education New Delhi: Ashaj anak
Publications (p.130 and p.162); Srinivas, M.N. (ed.)
(1965) India's Villages Calcutta: West Bengal Government
Press (p.8); Thirtha, N.V. (1964) National Integration
Jullunder (India): Jullunder University Publishers (p.33);
Vaikunathan, Y. (1982) Educational Social Change in South
India: Andhra 1880-1920 Madras: New-Era Publications