Mi. 48106. Brennan, N.L. lived in Madras during her study
of the Anglo-Indians. Her thesis was the second one after
the Baptist Report (1959) which offered statistics based on
empirical evidence on Anglo-Indian unemployment and poverty
in India.
(49) National Policy on Education (1986) Programme of
Action New Delhi: Govt, of India, Ministry of Human
Resource Development, Department of Education (p.114 and
(50) National Policy on Education (1986) ibid., (p.114 and
(51) National Council of Educational Research and Training
(1988) National Curriculum for Elementary and Secondary
Education: A Framework Revised Edition New Delhi:
NCERT; see also, Aggarwal, J.C. (1990) Curriculum Reforms
in India: World Overview Delhi: Doaba House (pp.216-7)
(52) Reynolds, D. and Reid, K. (1988) 'Beyond the subject
monolith: subject traditions and sub-cultures' IN: A.
Westoby (ed.) Culture and Power in Education Organizations
Milton Keynes: Open University Press (pp.172-3)
(53) Robinson, T. (1987) 'TVEI - the one that got away?'
IN: C. Flint (ed.) Changing Education Cheltenham: Stanley
Thornes Publishers Ltd (p.112)
(54) Sharma, S .R. (1991) National Policy on Education:
Education for an Enlightened and Humane Society Two
Volumes New Delhi: Anmol Publications (pp.86-7 and p.101)
(55) Aggarwal, J.C. (1991) Ramamurti Report, 1990 on
National Policy on Education in India, Major
Recommendations, Evaluation and Corrective Measures Delhi:
Doaba House (p.50)
(56) Abel, E. (1988) op. cit., (p.106)
(57) Abel, E. (1988) Op. cit., (p.120)
(58) Government of India, (1928) Home Department (Est.) F
1643 LAI
(59) Abel, E. (1988) op. cit., (pp.144-45)
(60) Abel, E. (1988) op. cit., (p.133)
(61) ANGLO-INDIAN REVIEW (1928) Vol. XVIII No. 7 July
(62) Anthony, F. (1969) Britain's Betrayal in India New
Delhi: Allied Publishers, (p.150)
(63) THE REVIEW (1977) November-December (p.6)