The name is absent

Education New Delhi: Ashajanak Publications. The National
Integration Conference in 1961 stated that there were four
forces which undermined integration in India. They were
Communalism, casteism, regionalism and Iinguism. (p.162)
See also, Thirtha, N.V. (1962) op. cit., Bitterness and
conflict exists between castes "and are much more serious
today than pre-Independence." (p.8) See, Srinivas, M.N.
(ed) (1965)
India's Villacres West Bengal Govt. Press.

The Indian educationist Mr. J.P. Naik discusses national
integration and states that, "unfortunately little work has
been done to guide the schools and teachers in evolving
practical programmes to promote these values." (p.55)
See, Naik, J.P. (1975)
Equality, Quality and Quantity:
The Elusive Triangle in Indian Education
New Delhi:
Allied Publishers. (The Tagore Memorial Lectures
delivered at the University of Poona on 23, 24, 15 August

(36) Mr.A. A. D'Souza an Anglo-Indian Inspector for Anglo-
Indian schools discusses the issue of Anglo-Indian schools
developing a more pro-Indian curriculum. He says, "much
more needs to be done before Anglo-Indian schools are a
true microcosm of the larger cultural macrocosm outside
their walls, and before there is a true identity of
interests and community of feeling and outlook between the
life of these schools and the rich and complex life outside
the school walls", (p.307) A.A.D'Souza (1976)
Education: A Study of its Origins and Growth in Bengal up
to 1960
Delhi: Oxford University Press

(37) Daniell, H.R.H. (1942) op. cit., (pp.229-30); see
also, Tiwari, R. (1964) op. cit., (pp.180-2)

(38) Anthony, F. (1969) op. cit., (p.423)

(39) Report of the Education Commission (1964-1966)
Education and National Development Ministry of Education
Govt, of India. Chairman Prof. D.S.Kothari, Chairman,
University Grants Commission. New Delhi, (pp.613-4). The
six Education Commissions which preceded the Kothari
Commission were:-

(1) The Hunter Commission or the Indian Education
Commission (1882-83) enquired into the principles of the
Education Despatch of 1854, and laid emphasis on elementary

(2) The Raleigh Commission or the Indian Universities
Commission (1902) dealt with the problems of University

(3) The Sadler Commission or the Calcutta University
Commission (1917) also dealt with University problems.

(4) The Radhakrishnan Commission or the University
Education Commission (1948-49) , the third one in a row was
concerned with University problems.

(5) The Mudaliar Commission or the Secondary Education
Commission (1952-53) also had an impact on Anglo-Indian


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