The name is absent

(73) Kaplan, A. (1964) 'Power in Perspective' IN: R.L. Khan
and E. Boulding (Eds.)
Power and Conflict in Organisations
London: Tavistock Publications; see also, Weber, M. (1946)
Essays in Sociology London: Oxford University Press (p.80)

(74) Silver,H. (1980) Education and the Social Condition
London: Routledge and Kegan Paul (p.19); see also, Thorp,
J. (1985) 'Accountability Versus Participation?' IN: M.
Hughes,. P. Ribbins,. and H. Thomas
Managing Education:
The System and the Institutions
London: Holt, Rinehart and
Winston, (p.414)

(75) Thomas, H.(1985) 'Provision, Process and Performance
in Compulsory Education: An Economic Perspective on
Changing Enrolment' IN: M. Hughes, P. Ribbins, and H.
Managing Education:_____The System and the
London: Holt, Rinehart and Winston, (p.125)

(76) An observation made during the field study of the
number of drop outs in Anglo-Indian schools.

(77) This comment was made by a teacher during the field
study in Calcutta.

(78) Teachers were asked to submit their teaching plans for
Indian languages and religion, but no teachers submitted
any detailed plans. There were no whole school policies

... to tackle the failures among Anglo-Indian
students, because it has been going on for
such a long time, we've just got used to them
failing the classes.
(Comment made by an
Anglo-Indian teacher in Maharashtra).

Teachers were admitting that they taught Indian languages
to a whole class, and they were frustrated with Anglo-
Indians who could not "keep up with the rest of the class."
(Comment made by an Indian teacher in Karnataka). There
were no special needs classes in Indian languages for
Anglo-Indians .

Religion was

... kept to the peripheral, although we are
Christian schools, there is little time for
it, and we really have not thought of any
plans to integrate Anglo-Indians with Indian
students through a study of India's religions.

I don't think it has occurred to any of us.
Religion is such a sensitive subject.

(Comment made by a teacher in Maharashtra).


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