(10) Cohen, L. and Manion, L. (1985) op. cit., (pp.4-5)
(11) Cohen, L. and Manion, L. (1985) op. cit., (p.5)
(12) Kerlinger, F.N.(1970) Foundations of Behavioral
Research New York: Holt, Rinehart and Winston (p.5)
(13) Butcher. H.J. and Pont, H.B. (eds.) (1973) Educational
Research in Britain 3 London: University of London Press;
see also, King, P. (ed.) (1983) Working with Third Years:
Report of the Research Action Group in English 1983
Department of Education, Loughborough University and School
of Education. Nottingham University; see also, Nixon, J.
(ed.) (1981) A Teacher's Guide to Action Research London:
Grant McIntyre; see also, Winter, R. (1982) 'Dilemma
Analysis: A contribution to Methodology for Action
Research' CAMBRIDGE JOURNAL OF EDUCATION 12, 3. pp.161-74
(14) Cohen, L. and Manion, L. (1985) op. cit., Chapter 9
(15) Kish, L. (1978) 'Some Statistical Problems in Research
Design' IN: J. Bynner, and K.M. Stribley Social Research:
Principles and Procedures Milton Keynes: Open University
the Longman Group (p.69); see also, Krowsz, E. and Miller,
S.H. (1974) Social Research DesiQn London: Longman Group
(p.64); see also, Rosenthal, R. and Jacobson, L. (1968)
Pygmalion In The Classroom: Teacher Expectation and
Pupil's Intellectual Development New York: Holt, Rinehart
and Winston
(16) McNeill, P. (ed.) (1990) Research Methods London:
Routledge and Kegan Paul (pp.58-9)
(17) The ORACLE Research: Observational Research and
Classroom Learning Evaluation See, Galton, M. and Simon,
B. (eds.) (1980) Progress and Performance in the Primary
School London: Routledge and Kegan Paul; see also,
Wakeford, J. (1968) The Strategy of Social Enquiry: A New
Programme in Methods and Measurement for the Student of
Sociology London: MacmiIlan (p.89)
(18) Kidder, L.H., Wrightsman, S., and Cook, R. (1981)
Research Methods in Social Relations 4th Edition New York:
Holt, Rinehart and Winston (p.5); see also, Wiersma, W.
(1986) Research Methods in Education: An Introduction 41h
Edition Boston: Allyn and Bacon Inc.; see also, Denzin,
N.K. (1970) The Research Act in Sociology: A Theoretical
Introduction to Sociological Methods London: The
Butterworth Group; see also, Mann, P.H. (1985) Methods
of Social Investigation 2nd Edition Oxford: Basil Blackwell
(p.38); see also, McCormick, R. and James, M. (1983)
Curriculum Evaluation in Schools Beckenham U.K. : Croom Helm
(19) The researcher conducted a research into Christian
immigrants to Britain in 1986. See, Lobo, A. (1986)