The name is absent

At this point this thesis is suggesting that, this complex
fabric of communication had created a veritable sub-
continent of Babel with powerful factions placing their
political might behind either Hindi which is the official
language or a state or regional language.

Tknglo-Indians have a Constitutional right to be educated in
Anglo-Indian schools where the medium of instruction is in
their mother tongue, English. The Kothari Commission
(Ch.4) introduced the Three-Language Formula during the
sixties. Anglo-Indian schools have a duty to introduce the
Three-Language Formula into Anglo-Indian classrooms.

The schools need to ensure that Anglo-Indians become
coordinate bilinguals. In other words, Anglo-Indians
should speak English and an Indian language interchangeably
as their Indian peers do in the same classroom.

There are two cogent reasons for vigorously promoting
coordinate bilingualism in the Anglo-Indian community:

1. Anglo-Indians who become coordinate bilinguals can use
the languages as an integrative pivot between their
minority culture and the majority culture of non
Anglo-Indians. (4)

2. Bilingualism also influences the child's cognitive
development, such as the higher mental processes of
knowledge, thinking, problem-solving ability,
conceptualization and symbolization. (5)

By 1990, the knowledge of one Indian language was
compulsory in India. All students in India had to attain
a pass in one Indian language in order to obtain an overall
pass at the school leaving examination at 16+. The
majority of Anglo-Indians either failed the Indian language
examination at 16+, or dropped out of school. These drop


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