The verbal exchanges between students and teachers were
recorded by means of observational categories. (1)
2. The field study 1990: The cultural-fusion language
experience of Anglo-Indians
In order to put the researcher's observations of Anglo-
Indian schools' classrooms in context, it is necessary to
paint the background to the language issue in India.
Language is not only an educational issue. It has been on
the Indian political agenda since Indian Independence in
The Indian Constitution recognises fifteen languages in the
VIIIth schedule of the Constitution of India. The fifteen
languages in the VIIIth schedule provide the majority
streams in education. Barring Sanskrit, Urdu, Sindhi and
English for which special provisions are made, the other
languages in the VIIIth schedule are dominant in one or
more states. Part XVII Chapter I, in the Constitution of
India states that Hindi, written in Devanagari script, will
be the Official Language. Art. 29(1) states that citizens
have a right to a distinct language, script or culture.
Art. 30(1) states that a minority
... whether based on religion or language has
the right to establish and administer
educational institutions of their choice.
To complicate the language issue, there are over
... 400 languages with innumerable dialects,
Sociolects, registers and styles, divided in
four language families, ten major script
systems and a host of minor ones. (3)