The name is absent

English in India: A Historical Study with Particular
Reference to English Education in India
Patna: Janaki
Prakashan (p.142); Sinha S.P. expresses concern about
the decline of English teaching and the cultural fusion
which has taken place of "Anglo-Indian, Indo-Anglian and
Indo-English" writers, (p.146); see also, Thirtha, N.V.
Babel: Language Dilemma in Indian Schools Madras:
& Co. Thirtha, N.V. (1962) argued that
students who entered Higher Education in India preferred
to learn English as a Second Language (p.55). See also,
Yadav, R.K. (1966)
The Indian Language Problem: A
Comparative Study
New Delhi: National Publishing House
(p.39 and p.90); see also, Yardi, V.V. (1977)
English in India Today
Aurangabad: Parimal Prakashan.
Yardi, V.V. described the importance of English as being
in the "process of acquiring the status of a compulsory
third language." (p.2)

(19) See, Aboud, F. (1989) Children and Prejudice
Oxford: Blackwell. Aboud, F. (1989) identified
prejudice as responding in an "unfavourable manner toward
people from an ethnic group because of their ethnic
affiliations, and to feel negatively toward such people."
(p.4); see also, Bernstein, B. (1971)
Class, Codes and
Control Vol. I Theoretical Studies towards a Sociology of
London: Routledge & Kegan Paul; see also,
Turner, G.J. and Pickvance, R.E. (1973) 'Social Class
Differences in the expression of uncertainty in Five Year
Old Children' IN: B. Bernstein (ed)
Class, Codes and
Control Vol. II Applied Studies Towards a Sociology of
London: Routledge & Kegan Paul (p.93); see
also, De Houwer, A. (1990)
The Acquisition of Two
languages from birth; A Case Study
Cambridge: Cambridge
University Press. See also, Ferdman, B.M. (1990)
'Literacy and Cultural Identity'
Vol.60 No.2 May pp.181-204. Ferdman, B.M. argued
that language literacy had now become the important focus
for the debate about cultural pluralism.

See also, Humes-Bartlo, M. (1989) 'Variations in
Children's Ability to Learn Second Languages' IN:
K.Hyltenstarn and L.K.Obler (eds.)
Bilingualism Across the
Lifespan: Aspects of Acquisition, Maturity and Loss
Cambridge: Cambridge University Press; see also, Iiams,
T.M. (1976) 'Assessing the Scholastic Achievement
Cognitive Development of Bilingual and Monolingual
Children' IN: A. Simoes Jr. (ed.)
The Bilingual Child:
Research and Analysis of Existing Educational Themes
York: Academic Press.

See, Mphahlele, E. (1990) 'Alternative Institutions of
Education for Africans in South Africa: An Exploration
of Rationale Goals and Directions'
Vol.60 No.l February, pp.36-47. Mphahlele, E.
argued that teachers should be encouraged to be
constantly in touch with the environments of minorities,


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