with a more "integrated experience" rather than a
"subject teaching" base in their classrooms. See also,
Poplack, S (1980) 'Sometimes I'll start a sentence in
Spanish Y Termino En Espanol: Toward a typology of
Code-Switching.' LINGUISTICS Vol.18 pp.581-618 p.581
(20) The Mudaliar Commission or the Secondary Education
Commission (1952-53)
(21) Biswas, A. and Agrawal, S.P. (1986) Development of
Education in India: A Historical Survey of Educational
Documents before and after Independence New Delhi:
Concept Publishing Co. p.609
(22) Biswas, A. and Agrawal, S.P. (1986) ibid., p.610
(The Kothari Report - see Chapter 4)
(23) Grimmitt, M. (1987) Religious Education and Human
Development: The Relationship between studying Religions
and Personal. Social and Moral Education Essex:
McGrimmons. pp.267-388
(24) Ethical pluralism would not be offering religious
instruction. Under Article 26(1) subject to public order,
morality and health, every religious denomination has the
right to establish and maintain its own schools for
religious purposes. Herein, lies the enigma of religious
education in Anglo-Indian schools. The schools are
schools which have a Christian ethos, but, none of the
schools are existing today for religious purposes. They
are multi-purpose schools. Ethical pluralism would ensure
that the intellectual and cultural development of
different individuals can take place.
For more information about liberal education∕ethical
pluralism and/or constructing an Integrated Religious
Educational Curriculum see, Burgess, A. (1991) 'Schools
for the Nineties' THE TABLET Educational Supplement 5
October p.1206; see also, Cole, W.0. (1978) World Faiths
in Education London: George Allen & Unwin; see also,
Dewey, J. (1916, 1944, 1966) Democracy and Education
Toronto, Ont: Collier-Macmillan, First Free Press
Paperback Edition, (p.88); see also, Dreeben, R. (1968)
On What is Learned in School Cambridge, Mass.:
Addison-Wesley; see also, Hay, D (1985) 'Suspicion of
the Spiritual: Teaching Religion in a World of Secular
Vol.7 Nθ.3 (pp.140-7); see also, Hirst, P.L. (1974)
Knowledge and the Curriculum: A Collection of
Philosophical papers International Library of the
Philosophy of Education. General Editor R.S. Peters.
London: Routledge and Kegan Paul (p.17).
See also, Hilliard, F.H. (1970) 'The Problems and Methods
of Teaching the Comparative Study of Religion in Schools'
IN: J.R. Hinnells (ed.) Comparative Religion in Education