178_______Tknglo-Indian man 20-60 Christian Cochin 29 July
He said,
The Anglo-Indian Associations run some of the
Anglo-Indian schools. It is unfair to elect
someone as a representative of the community
who cannot speak English. If, they cannot
speak English they could not possibly be
Anglo-Indian. But this has happened, and we
must fight it.
179_______Anglo-Indian man 20-60 Christian Cochin 29 July
He stated that some of the problems of the Anglo-Indian
community can be traced to prejudice within the community
for one another.
180_______Anglo-Indian man 20-60 Christian Cochin 29 July
He stated that Anglo-Indians have managed to retain their
... culture and traditions, and one knows who
the Anglo-Indians are in Kerala. You just
have to visit our homes, and you will know
you are in an Anglo-Indian home.
181 Anglo-Indian man 20-60 Christian Cochin 29 July
He was aware of the lack of research into the community.
He said,
Nobody has bothered to actually go into the
villages in Kerala and do a study of the
Anglo-Indians and their needs. We still do
not know the actual number of Anglo-Indians
living in villages in Kerala. We are no
longer an exclusive urban community.
182 Anglo-Indian man 20-60 Christian Cochin 29 July
He discussed the issue of educational backwardness. He
The only path to survive, is to be declared
educationally backward. Then, we might be
able as a community all over India, to be
able to secure places in Higher Education and
Government jobs.
183-202 Anglo-Indian men 20-60 Christian Cochin 29 July
These were men who attended the group interview, but made
no comments either written or verbal, although they were
in general agreement with the comments, and lent their
support to the community.