24-25 July
238_______Anglo-Indian man 20-30 Christian Devlali 24
He was a gifted bilingual teacher, whose name was often
mentioned by the groups of students. A man who thought
and felt in Hindi, and who epitomised the Anglo-Indian of
the nineties. He said,
... rich parents can use the independent
schools like ours to buy an academic
education tightly geared to achieving public
examination results, and I think this is
important for our school, but, my concern is
for the Anglo-Indians, who must become fluent
bilinguals in English and an Indian language.
I therefore teach my subjects in Hindi and
239 Anglo-Indian woman 40-50 Christian Devlali 24
She was a housemistress and a teacher, who said,
Not getting a University Degree does limit an
Anglo-Indian, because only the Anglo-Indian
schools will employ a Diploma holder. We
need to get Teaching Degrees for ourselves.
Diplomas are out and shouldn't be offered by
the teaching colleges. Now, it is too late
to get a degree. Anglo-Indian schools still
accept Anglo-Anglo-Indians with teaching
diplomas. This is okay, but the schools must
insist that Anglo-Indian teachers get degrees
during the course of their teaching. It's
not doing the teachers any good. We need to
be competitive.
240_______Anglo-Indian man 30-40 Christian Devlali 24
He was a teacher who said,
Anglo-Indian teachers have to adopt
innovations that deflect attention from
academic work for Anglo-Indians, because
Anglo-Indians who are on nfreeships" tend to
have very poor aspirations for Higher
Education. You have to offer them something.