241_______Anglo-Indian man 20-30 Christian Devlali 24
He was an unqualified teacher, who stated that
... not having the piece of paper, does not
qualify me to teach anywhere else. I know
that the Head wants me to qualify, but, I
find it difficult to work and study. I think
I should be offered an incentive, then like
many others I would certainly find the time
to do the degree. The schools are
comfortable for us.
242 Anglo-Indian man 30-40 Christian Devlali 24
He was a teacher who said that,
The educational policies in the schools have
contributed towards the underachievement of
the Anglo-Indians, but let us face some
facts, most of the Anglo-Indians particularly
the boys are lazy, and are proud, especially
at school level. We don't give them a push
or are allowed to push them, that might show
favouritism towards them! I also think we
ourselves have stereotyped them, and they
know it.
243 Anglo-Indian man 30-40 Christian Devlali 24
He was a teacher who stated,
I was given a grant to study for my B.A.
However, why do people think that the
Anglo-Indian community in India today is a
"backward class", after all we have our
schools, and I have studied, and I am a
His father was the Principal of an Anglo-Indian school.
244 Anglo-Indian man 20-30 Christian Devlali 24
He was a teacher who discussed underachievement in detail
and said,
... the education which is imparted is not
job orientated. The Associations do make a
contribution but not in all aspects of
education, and politics has affected the
community because of the caste system. We
are known as outcastes. That's so many
problems, make what you can of it.
245 Anglo-Indian man 30-40 Christian Devlali 24
He was a teacher who stated,
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