colleagues. I would be very interested in
reading your findings. They are not
unintelligent but they are educationally
backward, and this is linked to the Indian
language. A small minority attend this
residential school. There is very poor
application from Anglo-Indian students, and
this is also due to the poor education of the
parents, lack of interest and the big
families. The majority of Anglo-Indians do
not feel that it is necessary to be
proficient in another languages, and job
opportunities are open only for bilingual
Anglo-Indians. This is linked to their
city: Faridabad
DATE: 15 August
341 Anglo-Indian woman 30-40 Christian Faridabad
15 August
She was well-educated and was the Principal of an
Anglo-Indian school. Her husband was the Administrator.
They owned the Anglo-Indian school. It was interesting
to note that although she possessed the necessary
academic qualifications, her husband was the spokesman
and letter-writer. She was the curriculum coordinator.
342-371 Anglo-Indians 20-60 23 men and 7 women
Christian 15 August
The group "made an occasion" of the interview because it
was Indian Independence Day and a public holiday. They
belonged to an "out-group" and voiced their concern about
the lack of good educational policies for Anglo-Indians
in the schools and were aware of the need to be bilingual
in India today.