He had problems writing Hindi. He could recite rather
well, and was a popular student.
375_______Anglo-Indian bov 9 Christian Ketti 2 August
He struggled with learning to write English. He wrote,
My adge is 9, and my nice Subyject is Matts,
my warst subgects is none, and my nice game
is crow and the eggs. I would become a man,
in the aramey and fith for owr countery.
He admitted later that someone wrote the Hindi sentences
on his paper.
376-390 Anglo-Indians 15 boys 9-11 Christian Ketti 2
None of these Anglo-Indian boys were bilingual. Two of
them were remedial students, who lacked confidence. "I
always copy all my work from him". They all enjoyed
discussing religion, and were surprised that the
researcher wanted to hear their opinions. One boy drew
God at a party because,
God can never be hungry. This is the first
time anyone asked me the question. Even our
teacher doesn't want to know what we think
about God. We just gotta believe.
391 Anglo-Indian boy 9-11 Christian Ketti 2 August
This boy was a gifted impressionist. His crayon sketch
of the eucalyptus trees bordering the school to show
"what pleases me most" was excellent. He sat separately
from the rest of the class, because he was called the
"mustiwallah" (naughty boy) in the class. However, when
he was praised for his sketch, he rapidly sketched
another one of the classroom. He had an eye for detail
and the caricature sketches, (incidentally drawn with
"borrowed crayons and paper") displayed a talent which
was rather original. However, none of his drawings were
displayed in the classroom, He said this was because,
... teacher thinks I'm always making fun,
because everyone laughs at my drawings, and
then she throws them away.
He came from a broken home and lived in a slum in
Bangalore. This 9 year old Anglo-Indian boy possessed a
buoyancy and light-heartedness, which surfaced in his
sketches but which was overlooked by his teacher.
392-432 Anglo-Indians 41 girls 9-16 Christian Ketti 2
These girls were not bilingual. Some of them struggled