being placed on the margins of extra-
curricular activities.
He was dismayed about the consequences this had for the
girls evolving images of the worth and capability of the
sexes. However, he appeared to be disinterested in
problems of gender equality.
506-508 Anglo-Indians 1 woman and 2 men Christian
Madras 7 August
There was a very disappointing turnout for this
interview. It had rained continuously during the day and
many roads were flooded. Out of fifteen people invited
to the group interview only three people attended the
interview. The three Anglo-Indians who were interviewed
were very concerned about the poverty, unemployment and
the lack of marketable skills in Anglo-Indians.
509 Anglo-Indian man 30-40 Christian Madras Date: 6
He was a politician and an educationist. He considered
the community to be a backward community, although he
Many Anglo-Indians psychologically think they
are members of a forward community in India.
The facts however tell another tale. The
community is poor and ill-educated, with few
skills to compete with the Indians. There
needs to be an overhaul of educational
policies in Anglo-Indian schools if we hope
to survive in the future.
DATE: 15-19 August
TOTAL: 7 б
510-529 Indian men 30-60 Hindu New Delhi 17 August
These men were educationists. They were interviewed in
one group. They were uninterested in the Anglo-Indian
community, whom they felt had