researcher asked them to "please forget I am an
Anglo-Indian woman"; the interview became more honest
and forthright. These two group interviews were the most
informative interviews from non Anglo-Indians.
What is perhaps most unusual about these interviews is
the fact that these Indian educationists were given an
opportunity by an Anglo-Indian to discuss the elitist
educational system for Anglo-Indians. An Indian Doctor of
Education stated,
The system produces English-educated Indians
who enter Indian Universities. But there are
very few English-educated Anglo-Indians in
Indian Universities. The system penalises
Anglo-Indians. Something has gone wrong with
Anglo-Indian schools.
582 Anglo-Indian man 50-60 Christian New Delhi
17 August
He was a high-ranking Air Force Officer, with proven
qualities of leadership and bravery. He was one of
India's most decorated heroes. He was a member of the
out-group of Anglo-Indians (leader: No.549). He was
shrewd, well-informed, assertive and flamboyantly
583 Indian woman 40-50 Hindu New Delhi 17
She was a social scientist and well-informed about the
rights of minority women. She said,
Although, Anglo-Indian women were very
dynamic, there has been no Anglo-Indian woman
leader. I daresay, it is because the older
leaders who are men, are unwilling to
relinquish their role in favour of women. I
am aware that the community has some
excellent women, who can become Members of
Parliament, but unfortunately, this has not
happened. It is a pity, because there should
be one woman M. P. and one man M. P.
She also commented on the cultural attitudes which were
reflected in the educational ambitions of Jhiglo-Indian
Very few of them become doctors, lawyers or
other professionals. They are only
interested in becoming secretaries or
receptionists. This interests me, because
their schools are excellent ones in India.
It might be a "hidden policy" in the school
system, which does not encourage women to
seek Higher Education. Perhaps, you might be
able to unearth it, in your research. I'd be
very interested in your results.