The name is absent

Missionary educational intent which was the conversion to
Christianity of all Indians. (18)

In 1600 the East India Company received its Charter to
trade. The English were in India for the next three
hundred and fifty years, and their influence on the
Anglo-Indian educational system cannot be overestimated.
After receiving the Charter in 1600 the East India Company
offered some grants for education, but more often than not,
the Company left education to the missionaries and private
donations .

The English established a factory in 1612 in Surat on the
West coast of India and in 1639 had built another in
Madras. These establishments had European missionaries who
established churches and schools. After trade and
survival, education was always listed third on the Agenda
of the English who came to India. (19) The number one
priority was trade, and when Bombay became a Crown colony
in 1665 the English had problems with the Portuguese, the
Moguls and the local Mahratta pirates. Survival not
education was the important issue. (20)

In 1672, the English Governor Gerald Aungier who is
considered as the founding father of Bombay encouraged
settlement and made plans for each religious and racial
community to have representatives. He laid plans for a
church and the spreading of Christianity. Aungier embodied
evangelical imperialism and it was Aungier's Bombay that
Fryer described as a town in which lived groups of English,
Portuguese, Topazes (Indo-Portuguese), Gentoos (Hindus),
Moors (Moslems), Coolies and Christians who were mostly
fishermen. (21)

In 1673, the Rev. Pringle opened a school in Madras, at
Fort St. George for Anglo-Indians and the children of a few
other Indians. The medium of instruction was English, the


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