The name is absent

to find out the degree of intermixture in the Anglo-Indian
community. The findings of these anthropological studies
state that the English element predominates in the
Anglo-Indians when compared to the other European
colonialists. The findings of the anthropological survey
of 1953 further stated that all Anglo-Indians are
Christian. (12)

By 1687 the East India Company was paying a pagoda (gold
mohur) to the mother of each baptised child because the
English racist ideological policy accepted these offspring
as being consciously English in culture. (13) Acceptance of
the Anglo-Indian by the English was an important and
historical step for the English, because the East India
Company was expanding, and needed loyal, English educated
administrators .

The parameters of patriotic political collaboration was
extended to the Anglo-Indian community because it suited
the requirements of the Company. The community which could
play no effective role in Hinduism and Islam and was linked
to Christianity was expected to integrate with the English.

2.2. The acceptance of European languages

The dissemination of Christian values along with education
was sought by the missionaries and they opened their
institutions to European, Anglo-Indian and other Indian
children. The language of the schools originally was a mix
of several Indian languages which gradually disappeared as
more Indians became educated in European languages.

The teaching of European languages along with Christianity
influenced the religious and political outlook of wealthy,
educated Indians. This influence stopped short of


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