A Critical Examination of the Beliefs about Learning a Foreign Language at Primary School

Whether 'low affective filters' are common amongst all children learning a
foreign language in the first place will be discussed in Chapters Five and Six in
the context ofthe two case studies.

4.4.3 Feelings of Self-worth

Studies from child development suggest that after the age of seven children tie
their performance to feelings of self- worth. Children younger than seven tend
not to care about making a mistake as they do not believe that making a
mistake reflects on their personality (Harris, 1993: 532). Older children are said
to be bothered about their performance, they are said to try and maximise
positive outcomes to avoid appearing 'stupid' or 'incompetent'. Studies from
child development also suggest that young children might not know that they do
not understand something or that something is incomplete or unclear. Instead,
'they just nod and move on without asking questions or looking for more
information'. Older children are more likely to realise that something is unclear,
they are more likely to stop and look puzzled and to 'identify the source ofthe
confusion' (Harris, 1993: 559). It would seem likely that the characteristics of
older children might help them in learning a foreign in the classroom.

Whether all young children do not worry about making mistakes and whether
'not wanting to make a mistake' is solely a question of age or whether in the
classroom other variables are also at play will be discussed in Chapters Five
and Six.


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