G: Yeah
BP: What about the teacher speaking in French do you prefer when Miss explains in
English or are you quite happy with the French
G: Γm sometimes quite happy with the French but if there's but sometimes Γm not Γd
rather have it in English rather than French
BP: And why is that
G: Cause sometimes I don't get all the words I don't know them when she says things I
don't really understand what she is saying, in English I know English, I know what to do
BP: That's a lot easier isn't it. Do you think you're good at French
G: A bit not a bit x×
G: Yeah, I like it but, I think Γm alright, I think Γm xx
BP: I think you're good at it, Γm sure you are
G: Shall I go back now
R: Mmh
BP: Not in., .you don't have to say it in French, just about the French lesson
R: Order drinks and XX
BP: You like that
R: And all the other things like the foods and the, all the school things like in the
BP: What do you like best, speaking or listening or filling in the worksheets
R: I like filling in the worksheets and listening to the tape re∞rder
BP: You like that best do you
R: Yes, cause usually the teacher xx will explain xx what Γm going to be doing so like if
she just says it the first time you don't know what we're doing it's like you don't know
what what's happening or something
BP: When the teacher explains do, when she explains in French do you find that easy
R: Sometimes, sometimes it depends what she says cause I don't always know so I
know some things and I don't know others
BP: So you like the worksheets and the tape, what do you find a bit more difficult
R: When she says something and I haven’t like like ×x
BP: If it's new and you hear it the first time
R: Yeah