A Critical Examination of the Beliefs about Learning a Foreign Language at Primary School


G: Γm good at names and that and saying drinks and that and I think Γm good at all of
it really.

BP: What makes you say that

G: I honestly enjoy doing it and I listen a lot and I Ieam the words a lot and I sometimes
say it to my brother

BP: Good practice

G: I like the subject French, that's all really

BP: You don't find any of it difficult

G: Well some parts of it are a bit difficult Iikejust pronouncing the words I find a bit
difficult like pronouncing it sometimes I say words wrong and spelling them
BP: That's difficult isn't it

G: Doing the things at the top xx I find that hard but I like doing it, French

BP: That's the main thing isn't it you think it's good fun

G: Yeah

BP: You want to carry on with it

BP: What about when you make a mistake, do you mind

G: No, not that much, I know xx that, when I make a mistake I know that like it's not like
in English xx something that I should know, it's something that I should learn if I make a
mistake Γm not really bothered, Γm learning it, Γm learning, xx I don't really care if I
make a mistake, I try hard not to but if I do I try and ∞rrect it

BP: That's good you just keep trying, what about putting your hand up, do you like that
G: I sometimes do that, if I’m, if Γm quite certain that I know the answer I will put it up
BP: And if you're not so sure you think twice do you

G: I think about it, then put it up

BP: Do you like working with a partner, with a group

G: Not much, I like in pairs more than in groups

BP: Why is that

G: I like working with my friend more than a whole group

BP: You mean the whole class

G: Yeah, or just like four because it's then you don’t have to work that hard with all your
group you just have a pair to do it

BP: What else do you like

G: Can't think of anythig else

BP: You like most of it anyhow you said, didn't you


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