A Critical Examination of the Beliefs about Learning a Foreign Language at Primary School

BP: G∞d

J: And learning and new French words, that's all really

BP: Alright, now do you mind when you make a mistake

J: I don't mind

BP: What do you do, you try again or

J: Yeah

BP: What about putting your hand up when you know something do you put your hand

J: Yeah

BP: All the time

J: No, not all the time

BP: But most times usually, do you speak any other languages Jamila

J: Yeah

BP: What do you speak

J: I can speak my own language

BP: Which is what


BP: XX and where do you speak that

J: At home sometimes...

BP: And which country is this

J: Γm not quite sure

BP: No I don't know either really, you speak that at home.

J: Yeah

BP: Do your parents help you with French as well

J: No cause they don't know any French

BP: Not to worry not everybody does

J: My brother knows, as well, my brother knows

BP: So he can help you

J: Yeah

BP: OK, we'll stop it here


BP: XX a bit about the French, tell me the things you like

R: Why


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