A Critical Examination of the Beliefs about Learning a Foreign Language at Primary School

K: I thought it was a bee

BP: Do you keep trying or give up easily

K: Sometimes I keep trying and trying all the time

BP: What about saying things in French do you find that easy...What's funny

K: I don't know... it's just quiet

BP: What about the teacher speaking in French

K: I find it easy when she says something I do know in French like 'ecoutez,
BP: What does that mean

K: Is it listen... I can't remember what look this ways is

BP: Regardez...you find that easy do you...what about reading and writing

K: Yes when we done that thing about the waitress we found that good in our group

BP: The role pay and the cafe...Do you want to tell me something else....you're happy


BP: We'll just talk about the French a little bit, the things you like, the things you find
easy, what do you really like about it

J: It's Γm not really sure about that

BP: Do you find it easy or do you find it difficult

J: It's in between

BP: In between, sort of a little bit difficult, what do you find difficult, what things

J: Like something like if she's saying something in French like and she doesn't say it in
English I get a bit ∞nfused

BP: About what it means, do you prefer it if she talks in English do you, if she explains
in English

J: Yeah

BP: What do you like best speaking, listening, reading in French, writing

J: Reading

BP: Yes, why is that

J: Because it's much easier than writing French

BP: You find writing difficult do you

J: Yeah, writing French

BP: What do you think is good fun, what things do you find good fun

J: Mmh

BP: What do you enjoy

J: I enjoy playing French games and


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