D: Maths is OK yeah, science with the mustard seeds, that's OK cause we haven't
done much of it
BP: What about putting your hand up do you put it up more in other subjects
D: Yeah, probably I would yeah
BP: So in French you think more carefully before you put it up
D: Yeah
BP: Ok anything else you want to say about the French lesson
D: Anything, I like working in a group because there's other people I like being in
partners, sometimes I don't like being on my own because sometimes I need a little bit
of help but it's OK, I like listening to the recorder that's plugged in near the blackboard
and once I made a mistake I felt it was an orange juice but it wasn't it was orangina
BP: Very close though, only a very little little slip, cause one is fizzy and the other one
is still, but still an orangy drink
D: Yeah cause it's j xx d'orange and it just sounded like orangina
D: Yeah cause d'orange... orangina
BP: Exactly cause it's like orange both times isn't it the same middle bit...anything else
you can think of
D: No
BP: OK, many thanks merci.
BP: Right Emily, tell me something about the French, what you like what you like don't
like anything you want to tell me really
E: Well, when Take That were together I liked Take That but now they've split up I like
Spice Girls, my best friend's name is Jamila ah...
BP: What about the French though, the French lessons
E: Yeah, I enjoy French, it's cause I have about 2 or 3 French books at home and I
look in them sometimes
BP: What do you like about it, what do you like best
E: I don't know it's just learning another language really it's quite fun
BP: What makes it fun
E: I don't know having like the cards and writing on the sheets, so
BP: Do you find it easy
E: Some parts of it is quite easy but some are a bit difficult so
BP: Tell me something you find easy