with this shot gun, so all I have it's like a little machine gun and he puts it on nightmare,
that makes it really hard
BP: What about the French class what do you like in the French lesson
D: I like learning the new words, like drinks, like eau mineral and ∞ca, and I like
learning the sports and once we did this sheet of French it was this vampire which you
had to colour in red and black and it would say the numbers and the colours
BP: Yes I remember that it was like upside down wasn't it? With the castle and the
vampire and all that. You liked that did you
D: And there was this game that was XX it was like if you like football J'aime Ie football
if you said it right then you go forward a bit and if you got I think it was a star or two
stars then the first one with 5 stars or 5 counters, yeah, wins the game
BP: Right and what about the things you don't like so much
D: Don't think there's anything I don't like except for, except for tasting new foods I
don’t like
BP: What about the French lesson though, things you don't like so much there
D: Nothing I think I don't like there
BP: Good, that's good if you like it all. Do you mind if you make a mistake
D: Sometimes I don't like the fuss or something cause I don't xx if I don't have a pen or
if I don't have my pencil case
BP: What if you say something in class and it's wrong do you mind if you make a
D: It's OK I don't mind,
BP: You don't mind
D: No, because I xx write something from the board but I did it one letter wrong that
made it wrong and everybody laughed at me but I don't really care
BP: You don' t really mind do you
D: No but it was a bit embarrassing because I don't like being laughed at
BP: But everybody makes mistakes so it's not the end of the world is it? Somebody
else makes a mistake some other time, nobody is perfect really...do you put your hand
up when you think you know something
D: Only when im sure
BP: And if you're not sure
D: I don't put my hand up
BP: You don't bother. What about English or maths or science