G: Oh yeah and then when we do another subject I get a bit nervous what it's going to
be like ∞unting up to 100 and do the numbers and or doing the sports we haven't
learnt all of them I don't think cause we don't know what snooker is or pool... we know
Ie basket and XX natation Ie ski and all them all the easy ones but we don't know the
real hard ones, when we started French I was a bit worried of what we were going to
do but I was quite confident because I because my brother taught me a lot of French
for he was doing it, again in year 2 when I was in year 2 our teacher Miss XX she
taught French to year 5 if we were last into lunch we we stay a bit and hear a bit of
their French ofwhat they say and Γm a bit nervous of what French are we going to be
learning in year 5 what type of new topics we are going to be doing in French, what
kind of teacher we are going to get for French XX
BP: But you're looking forward to it really aren't you
G: Yeah
BP: Right, anything else you want to say
G: Not really
BP: Do you speak any other languages
G: I can ∞unt up to 4 in German
BP: Go on then
G: Eins, Zwei, XX
BP: Eins, zwei, drei, vier, well done
G: My grandad told me how to say good morning but I forgotten it in Portuguese
my grandad's going to start is going to try and teach me how to count up to five or ten
in Arabic so I can Ieam of of by heart so those are the languages I can speak
BP: Quite a few isn't it
G: Oh yeah and I can speak XX American language
BP: Do you ... go on
G: I think they change a lot of things in America and in Portuguese and Arabic
but in German you can when you learn German you get a bit of a clue because most of
the words have something to do with English in French they say Ie basket which give
XX clue
BP: Great, do you parents help you with the French
G: My mum knows quite a bit of French but not a lot, we've got a French dictionary at
BP: That's useful isn't it you can check up words if you want to find out something