D: I think cause it's quite exciting cause it's a new language, and if you're reading it
you're not showing everyone you know it but if you speak it you're showing everyone
how good you are at French and ...
BP: Do you think you're ...sorry go on
D: Basically that's what I quite like about French
BP. Do you think you're good at it
D: Quite good yeah
BP: What makes you think that
D: I can, Γm starting to understand pratical terms when Miss asks the questions and on
the top of the sheet Γm beginning to Ieam how what they are from the English words
they are quite similar sometimes when you read them
BP: Right, they look the same don't they and you can guess what they mean
D: Yes and from the pictures
BP: What about something you don't like so much or do you like everything
D: I don't so much like reading and writing French because I find that a bit boring
BP: Do you? What both reading and writing or
D: I like reading French a bit better than writing French because it's quite hard because
you’ve got to learn xx like the es and the as and where to put the question marks and
BP: It's quite difficult to remember all that isn't it
D: Mmh
BP. Do you speak any other languages
D: I can speak a bit of Korean, no not Korean, Cantonese
BP: Really
D: And Mandarin
BP: How did you Ieam that
D: When I went to Hong Kong and my uncle's girlfriend is Chinese and when we went
to a restaurant she just taught me
BP: You learned some there how nice, do you like learning French
D: Yeah, it's fun
BP: Good fun, what makes it fun
D: It's like a challenge and a new task
BP: Would you have liked to Ieam another language or is French fine
D: French is good so I think I would like to carry on cause I think we’re planning on
going over a skiing holiday to France, when I was little we went to Ie Touquet, the
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