BP: Yeah
N: If I can understand it
BP: And do you understand it most of the time
N: Most of the time yeah
BP: What about speaking in front of the class, do you like that
N: Yeas, when we played that game on sports I enjoyed that
BP: Good fun... do you think you're doing well in French
N: Yeah
BP: What makes you say that
N: Well, the first bit the first time we had French it was a little bit hard for me but as I
got on in French I got more things right and enjoyed it more
BP: When you get things right you enjoy it more, do you
N: Yeah, because then I don't have to go back and do it again
BP: Do it again... Do you speak any other languages Nicholas
N: I know a bit of German and Italian
BP: What do you speak at home
N: English
BP: English, does your mum or dad help you with French
N: Sometimes yes I've got a book with French words and it helps me xx so also my
brother helps me as well because he does he knows French as well
BP: Right, so that is useful isn't it if he can help you, so all in all you like it
N: Yeah
BP: Yeah, right, many thanks
BP: We're just going to talk about the French a little bit, the things you like, the things
you don't like so much, anything you want to tell me really, tell me something you like
about it
D: I like experimenting with the new words and trying to pronounce them and the
activities like when we had to act things out, I liked that and ...
BP: What do you like most speaking, listening, reading, writing
D: I like speaking French most
B: Why is that