BP: You don't know
V: Yeah, I don't know
BP: Don't worry, don't worry, not everybody finds ft easy some people find it easy some
find it more difficult, OK...Do you think it's good fun
V: Fun
BP: Learning French, is it fun or is it, do you worry about it
V: Fun
BP: Fun, you like it
V: Yeah
BP: You find it difficult but you like it
V: Yeah, difficult I don't like, I, I like French, I like
BP: You like...but difficult
V: Yeah
BP: Tell me a little bit about it... what things you like or what you like best what you
don't like so much, anything you want to say really
N: I like sports
BP: French we're talking about... what do you like in French, in the French lesson
N: Doing about numbers and different sports XX and and xx sometimes when Γm doing
BP: You like doing sheets
N: Yes and listening to the tape
BP: You like listening to the tape
N: Yes and getting some of the things written down XX
BP: Why do you like listening to the tape why do you find that good
N: Well it's a bit funny sometimes and I like the music on it when it always ∞mes on
that's it really
BP: That's good and why do you like writing things down
N: Well, because if I get the spellings wrong I can ask Miss for help or you and I like
writing things, it's funny but I just like writing French
BP: That's good, it's good, it's good if you do like it, what about reading do you like
reading it
N: Yeah