A Critical Examination of the Beliefs about Learning a Foreign Language at Primary School

BP: Eight o'clock dead on, so what do you do next time you say to her five to eight and
then eight o'clock she will be ready

S: Yeah that's when we have to be ready. He was like really mad my dad said I can't
put up with this girl

BP: Do you think your doing well in French

S: It's alright

BP: It's alright, only alright or very alright

S: Alright

BP: What makes you say that

S: Because I don't know the hard bits sometime. I keep xx forgetting

BP: The two words for them, remember the one for orange now

S: Orangina

BP: And the other one for orange juice

S: I don't remember that one

BP: Jus...

S: Jus d'orange

BP: And mineral water... eau

S: Minerale

BP: See you do remember, some are bit more difficult and others are a lot easier like
coca it's easy to remember

S: Yeah and cafe

BP: Cafe exactly, anything else you'd like to tell me, about the French, you like it

S: Yeah

BP: Yeah, ok now you are ... Comment t'appelles-tu

S: Yeah

BP: Je m’appelle...

S: Stacey


BP: We are just going to talk about the French a little bit you... tell me what you like
about it, something you really like about it

V: XX coca, XX ∞ca

BP: Un ∞ca, and what do you like about learning French what things do you like

V: Playing

BP: Playing


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