D: Et Ie ski
BP: Mmh
BP: Tu aimes Ie basket
D: Tu aimes Ie basket, tu aimes Ie volley
BP: Well done, tell me the sorts Ofthings you find easy in French, what do you, what
can you do easily, what do you find difficult..speaking, listening, reading
D: On the tape it says some other French person I don't know
BP: Do you find it difficult listening to the tape
D: Yeah
BP: You prefer it if the teacher speaks do you
D: Yeah, on the tape it's more confusing
BP: What else do you like, or what else do you find difficult
D: Mmh
BP: What do you like best, best of all
D: XX natation
BP: And what about learning French what do you like best in the French lesson
D: Writing
BP: Really you like that best do you and what do you like least
D: Pardon
BP: What do you like least, what do you like not so much in the French lesson
D: On the tape when it says a sport and when it says the cycling then I don't know that
that's the hardest one
BP: Alright, do you think you're doing well
D: Yeah
BP: Yeah, yhat makes you think so
D: I don't know I just feel comfortable
BP: You’re happy with it...do your parents help you in the home with French
D: Yeah
BP: Who helps you
D: My mum
BP: What do you do
D: She tells me some French numbers and I say them to her
BP: Really, nice, do you speak any other languages, what do you speak at home,
D: English