A Critical Examination of the Beliefs about Learning a Foreign Language at Primary School

BP: English... OK whose going to ∞me after you Donna, who was number three

D: Stacey

BP: Stacey, can you get Stacey for me please

D: What's that for

BP: It's what Miss...


BP:... the things you want to tell me about the French, the things you like or the things
you don't like so much

S: I like doing the sheets

BP: The worksheets

S: But it's hard on the tape when you have to listen to the numbers it is so different
BP: What else do you like

S: I like XX I like when we get in groups of 2 or 3 I like showing the clock but sometimes
I feel that's embarrassing

BP: When you laugh or when others laugh

S: Most of the time you laugh

BP: You laugh yourself

BP: So what else do you like, what's good fun

S: I like doing xx in twos or threes or fours xx and some things in the cafe

BP: You do like role plays

S: Yeah

BP: Something you don't like so much

S: I dont know really, I dont like when ...I don't like the sheet when we had to number it
down it was like really hard for me

BP: Was that with the tape

S: Yeah

BP: XX hard Iistenig to the tape

S: Yeah

BP: Do your parents help you in the home with French

S: No, but there is this French girl who came called Caroline... she's coming to stay for
two and a half weeks it's her third day with us it's really a problem with her when we
want to leave home at eight to go to school she wanted just 5 minutes my dad wants to
go straight away


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