Tape-recordings in School One
S: Hello
BP: What we'll do, we'll talk about your French a little bit and how you, you know how
you feel about it
S: Ok so you're gonna ask me questions and I’ll answer
T: You tell me about it. I don't want to ask you many questions really
S: Ok say that again, what we're gonna do xx.
BP: Just
BP: Just, just tell me the things you like and the things you don't like so much
S: Shall I start now?
S: Ok, my favourite subjects are French, French is especially my favourite subject, and
my favourite teacher in this school, my 3 best teachers in this school no my best four
best teachers in this school are Mrs Whitfield, Mrs Mills, Mrs Fielding and Mrs Poole
BP: And what do you like about French tell me something that you really like about
S: French is a different language like it's got loads of apostrophes and things
and I would like to learn different languages and I learn this other language you know
when you go to Malaysia they talk Malai and I can speak I can say my numbers up to
about three
BP: Really
S: And XX I Ieam numbers and things my mum and dad teach me my mum was bom in
Malaysia my dad was bom in Singapur
BP: Tell me something you don't like so much in French - what do you find difficult
S: Nothing really
BP: Do you like it all
S: Yeah
BP: Right, what do you find really easy
S: MMh
BP: Reading, listening, speaking, writing
S: Ok I like it when Miss asks me questions and we have to answer them like she tells
us to pick like you know she has cards of the things, the sports and the drinks she gets