A Critical Examination of the Beliefs about Learning a Foreign Language at Primary School

beach and we stayed there and I liked to Ieam some more French so I can actually

BP: Great, do your mum and dad help you

D: XX book of like park, restaurants at home which is useful you've got to say what it is
in France pull this lever and then see if you're right

BP: That sounds like good fun

D: Yeah

BP: Right, anything else you would like to tell me

D: Not really

BP: You're just happy with it, are you

D: Yeah

BP: Great, comment Vappelles tu

D: Mmh

BP: Je m'appelle...

D: David

BP: David, OK, Merci David, well done


BP: Just tell me something, just tell me anyhing about French...what you like...what you
don't like, if you find it easy or difficult

G: I find the French really easy, I like speaking it a lot but Γm not so keen on XX
because Γm afraid I might get the spellings wrong

BP: Right, the spelling worries you does it

G: Spelling worries me...sort of a little bit

Sometimes when Γm begging to ask, answer a question but when the teacher asks me
I get a bit nervous about what Γm going to say I sort of forget XX particularly in a group
thing the French XX so I try to be a bit XX
BP: Put a bit of fun into it

G: Yeah, make it a bit longer so the time goes by quickly and the break ∞mes, when
we had to stand up in your group and do and speak French like the waiter when we did
XX I really do enjoy it

BP: The role play

G: Yeah, I really do like saying it when we had to write it down we weren't so sure what
to put

BP: Right


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