A Critical Examination of the Beliefs about Learning a Foreign Language at Primary School

E: Yes so I do, I let people use my colours and if it's blunt they go and sharpen it
BP: They sharpen it up for you, very smart. Anything else you want to tell me or want
to talk about, in French

E: Not really
BP: No

E: Not really

BP: Do you speak any other languages

E: No, my ∞usin speaks Spanish cause she went to Mexi∞ I think and she was
learning Spanish

BP: May be you can Ieam Spanish in secondary school later on. Do you want to
continue with French

E: Yeah, I enjoy it

BP: Good, great, merci

E: Thank you


BP: Tell me a little about the French, the things you like

K: Learning about all the different sport and drinks and playing games and numbers to

K : I enjoy learning new words and I think it's quite good doing the tapes and I've got
two French books at home and I always Ieam the new words, it's not really difficult
BP: It's all easy... all good fun

K: Sometimes

BP: Sometimes you don't like it

K: About one or two time I don't

BP: When you don't like it why

K: There is about 100 people put their hand up most of the time Miss chooses
somebody else

BP: What about making a mistake do you mind making a mistake

K: Not really I just cross it out

BP: What about speaking, when you make a mistake

K: I just say it again

BP: What do you enjoy most

K: Numbers

BP: You like numbers... in maths...you're good at maths


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