BP: What about writing
R: It's OK, it's just not really xx wondering what the spelling's are
BP: It's a bit more difficult isn't it
R: The spellings yeah xx
BP: What makes you say that
R: Well it’s like xx difficult than the English words
BP: Very true, do you like speaking in class
R: Sort of
BP: Not too keen are you
R: No not really
BP: What if you make a mistake
R: Mmh
BP: Do you mind
R: Not really
BP: You prefer not to speak out in front of
R: Yeah, I don't mind
BP: But you're not that keen are you...or are you
R: No, not really
BP: It's alright not everybody likes the same things you know everybody is different,
some people like reading some people like writing things some people like tapes some
people like speaking everyboy likes different things... Are you happy in the French
lesson...are you looking forward to next year...do you want to carry on with it...do you
speak any other languages
R: Yeah cause I go to Sunday school I learn Hebrew
BP: Oh do you, nice
R: Cause Γm Jewish
BP: How is that is that more difficult
R: Yes, much more dificult it’s like you have to do a whole paragraph xx
BP: What Ieam by heart
R: No just you have to be able to read it from the book, like the letters are much more
difficult, we don't have like, we have like separate vowels we don't have vowels from
the actual like in the English alphabet they use like i, e, a, o, u but they're from the
alphabet but we have like different we have like vowels that are part of the alphabet
BP: Like what can you give me an example