I don't really like it
BP: No, you don't, would you prefer to Ieam a different language
L: No
BP: Just not too keen, why do you think that is
L: I don't know I just I don't know just do
BP: Just don't like it that much
L: I do like it but it depends if it’s XX if it's XX
L: We do a lot of drawing, we write a sentence down and do a drawing along with it
that's why I usually like my French
BP: The drawing
L: Yeah
BP: You like that best
I: Yeah
BP: What about English what do you like in English
L: Nothing much
BP: No, you don't like English either? What's your favourite subject
L: Maths
BP: Really, do you like number work and stuff like that
L: Yeah, I like the Iadyjust there because she speaks Swedish
BP: Do you speak Swedish
L: Yeah
BP: At home
L: No, my my aunt used to live in Sweden one day she just went there, she ∞mes
back and then my ∞usins came and then XX we go there and we stayed there for
three weeks and they just told us quite a lot of words and Γm beginning to understand it
BP: Do you like Swedish better do you
L: Probably yeah
BP: Why do you think that is
L: Because Γm used to the language and you don't have to colour in the sheets XX
BP: But I thought you liked colouring in the sheets
L: Yeah I do but like it's XX really really really hard but I just do any colour you're
supposed to be doing them like blue, pink and yellow like I can't always make out what
it says because it says, it's got this funny writing, I get muddled up between blue and