A Critical Examination of the Beliefs about Learning a Foreign Language at Primary School

KY: It’s good as well

BP: But you don't like speaking it much

KY: No

BP: So when Miss asks you a question how do you feel

KY: I feel that I have to go for this answer to get top mark

BP: So you don't mind speaking out then

BP: Do you put your hand up a lot

KY: Yeah

BP: So how come you put your hand up a lot if you don't like speaking

KY: I put my hand up for the things I know what to do but when I don't know what she's
talking about I feel that Γm going to get it wrong so I just really don't put my hand up

BP: You play safe don't you...are you happy in the French class

KY: Yeah

BP: Yeah, you want to carry on with it

KY: Yeah, I want to carry on with it

BP: Anything else you would like to tell me

KY: XX Nothing

BP: Do your parents help you with French

KY: No they don't know any French they just just take us to the French tutor and then
go somewhere else

BP: Right, so how often do you see the French tutor

KY: Every Thursday

BP: For how long

KY: I think it's about one hour or one hour 30

BP: How's that do you find that good fun

KY: Yeah

BP: How many of you in the group

KY: Two

BP: Only two

KY: Just my brother and me

BP: Right

KY: We might also move into a class in French, cause our French tutor said that we are
catching up quickly so she might move us into a class

BP: What with more people

KY: Yeah


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