D: That's quite easy
BP: That's easy is it
D: Yes
BP: And listening to Miss
D: Miss, yes that's quite easy as well
BP: Good...so it's good fun really is it
D: Yes
BP: Do you speak any other languages Deborah
D: Yes, Korean
BP: What do you speak at home
D: I speak English
BP: Do your parents help you with the French
D: My dad's in America, my mum's still in Korea and Γm staying with my auntie now
BP: Does she help you with the French a little bit
D: No she does not know how to speak French
BP: Not to worry my parents don't know, we'll have to learn ourselves won't we
BP: Do you think you're doing well in French
D: Yes
BP: What makes you say that
D: I don't really know
BP: But you feel good about it, you want to carry with it
D: Yes
BP: Would you like to learn any other languages
D: Yes
BP: Which one
D: German
BP: You Ieam that when you get to High School
D: My mum already knows Germany
BP: Does she
D: Yes
BP: So she ∞uld help you
D: XX book
BP: So she knows quite a lot
D: Yes
BP: So she can help you when you start learning that